2004-03-14 ~ 9:23 p.m.
Weekend Update with me

Good evening True Believers,

Had a good weekend. Yeah. It's nice to say that with greater frequency. Just me and Mel on Friday, the Boyz on Saturday, and just personal style time on Sunday. Of course, none of this stop the whirling chaos in my head about work. Fuck. *smirks*

I definately need to sit for an hour and figure out and PRIORITIZE what I need to get accomplished A.S.A.P. There is one project I am many weeks overdue on and a number of them that are coming up due. It's not like my boss is some kind of unfeeling asswipe either. He is fully aware that he has given us a tremendous workload. He empathizes. He expects results. We aren't the #1 team in the U.S. for no reason. We're Mid-Atlantic baby! I really enjoy being part of a real Team again. Even though we are mostly separated by 50-250 miles, we're a damn team and proud of being the best. More than 50% of our company's profits come from our little slice of the U.S. Heh. Done with my brag. :)

I have not the energy to get into any real big personal rants tonight. I think I'll just end it here. G'night all and God Bless. =)

Current mood: Happy.
Current # of points: A triple digit #
# of people I wanted to kill today: None. Well, okay, one, but only seriously injure.

Then ~~ Now

Farewell? Yeah... - 2005-09-13
Vacation, Chapter 2 - 2005-08-15
Vacation, Chapter 1 - 2005-08-15
Work update or: - 2005-08-09
Third time's the charm - 2005-06-21