2004-10-14 ~ 3:59 a.m.
Mindless and tired

Up late again. Can't seem to sleep these days. Been up late-late the last few nights playing poker (Hold 'em) with Mely and D. We were up till 530AM on Monday and 4AM Tuesday. I can't say I didn't have a lot of fun though. Kind of slacked this week, but that's okay because I am kinda sorta ahead of the curve at work. Or something.
I don't really have a lot of interesting things to say other than this: Gambling is fucking evil. I always knew I liked it when I went to Vegas once a month for two years, but INTERNET gambling is fucking nuts. *laughs* I've wasted a couple hundred bucks playing poker on the Interent for fuck's sake. Ah hell, from one addiction to another. Why did I have to be born with that kind of personality? Sometimes I wish I could have been normal. But what godd*mn fun would that be, right?


Current mood: Kinda tired
Current # of points: 800+
# of people I wanted to kill today: None, but the guy that called at 845AM yesterday would have ate a bullet if he were within range.

Then ~~ Now

Farewell? Yeah... - 2005-09-13
Vacation, Chapter 2 - 2005-08-15
Vacation, Chapter 1 - 2005-08-15
Work update or: - 2005-08-09
Third time's the charm - 2005-06-21