2004-11-11 ~ 12:12 a.m.
Typical November 10th stuff.

Marine Corps birthday today. #229 for the ever-lovin Corps. Thank you for the years we spent together for good or for ill. We had some good times and some bad times (and some Really Good and Bad times) but in the end I am a better man for it. Happy Birthday Marine Corps,

Semper Fidelis

Current mood: Decent
Current # of points: Hundreds and hundreds
# of people I wanted to kill today: Zero.

Then ~~ Now

Farewell? Yeah... - 2005-09-13
Vacation, Chapter 2 - 2005-08-15
Vacation, Chapter 1 - 2005-08-15
Work update or: - 2005-08-09
Third time's the charm - 2005-06-21