2002-06-30 - {{Loathe}}
2002-06-27 - {{Blown. Nearly.}}
2002-06-27 - {{Without title}}
2002-06-27 - {{DESERVE... to die...}}
2002-06-26 - {{Afterthoughts: Diary}}
2002-06-26 - {{Idle musings of an Idle man}}
2002-06-25 - {{Complications?}}
2002-06-24 - {{Post Script of Pissedoffedness}}
2002-06-24 - {{Weekend Update}}
2002-06-21 - {{Wretched waste of time}}
2002-06-19 - {{Explosion.............}}
2002-06-18 - {{Friday Night Madness}}
2002-06-13 - {{Discourse and Plea}}
2002-06-10 - {{Hurried Afternoon Precursor}}
2002-06-08 - {{Headache vanished.}}
2002-06-07 - {{There's No Rain?}}
2002-06-06 - {{ "Good Mornings"}}
2002-06-05 - {{Mid - Afternoon, hot as hell...}}
2002-06-05 - {{Lunchtime}}
2002-06-03 - {{Short and boring Monday}}
2002-05-15 - {{In the Morning, In the Sun}}
2002-05-15 - {{Lamentations of a ...}}
2002-05-10 - {{Friends of Bill W.?}}
2002-05-06 - {{Summer hopes?}}
2002-04-16 - {{Discourses after a hot day}}
2002-04-12 - {{Little babbling brook}}
2002-03-21 - {{Ramblings of a Madman? Nah.}}
2002-03-19 - {{Short clip.}}
2002-03-11 - {{Nighttime Discourse (Short)}}
2002-03-09 - {{Romacing the Dork}}
2002-02-16 - {{Lazy Saturday afternoon}}
2002-02-15 - {{From chilly Hartford...}}
2002-02-10 - {{Just read it, it's short.}}
2002-02-10 - {{After a break}}

January-June, 2004
July-December, 2003
January-June, 2003
July-December, 2002
January-June, 2002
July-December, 2001