2004-07-20 ~ 11:26 p.m.
Semi real

So I've mentioned a lot of good stuff, right?

1) Me and Melody have been together for a shade over a year now.

2) We've had this pretty damn cool place for just under half of that now.

3) I'm friends with M again

4) My friend D still hasn't gotten back together again with the psycho alkie Greek ex-fiance

5) Brandy didn't make up The Shield Ep 10-13 yet.

6) My numero uno D got a new kitten

7) M's parents bought a house in Fl, now he's saving to buy his parents house, heh.

8) I AM going to a Titans game this year.

9) I got a small raise from my job in Feb and I am writing an email tomorrow morning to put in for another raise this month

10) My new company car will be an SUV. NO MORE SOCCER VAN

11) My company's softball game is coming up in 2 weeks. I did a lot of training in mid June and early July, including playing 6 whole games of softball and lots of fielding practice and battling. I need to get back on the training horse

12) Ah, fuck this list, If I missed anything I'll try to write about it.

I just didn't feel like I wanted to write anything for a while. That blah kind of feeling. Does that mean that there was no Drama? Fuck no. I cried myself silly one or two nights with the drinking shit again. Missed three days of work over similiar stuff. Tried to stop smoking three times, heh this week is try three. Well, three days just past (11PM Sunday was day 1). Hmm, Melody's birthday is coming up quickly. *pulls hair, grins*

What else? Oh, more drama... I have a new kitten that is so damn cute but has come SO close to death.

Work is ok.

I'm doing OK.

See ya.

Current mood: Middling, not quite happy, not quite angry about anything...
Current # of points: 800?
# of people I wanted to kill today: Zero

Then ~~ Now

Farewell? Yeah... - 2005-09-13
Vacation, Chapter 2 - 2005-08-15
Vacation, Chapter 1 - 2005-08-15
Work update or: - 2005-08-09
Third time's the charm - 2005-06-21